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Diary of a Sunset

I’ve decided to do a study of sunsets.  They are such short lived things and frequently beautiful from this location.

Color intensifies at the horizon short after the sun sets.

Color intensifies at the horizon short after the sun sets.

The band of color intensifies and spreads north and south.

The band of color spreads north and south.

The sky color isn't the only thing changing.  The hills take on varying hues of blues and purples as they fade into the distance.

The sky color isn't the only thing changing. The hills take on varying hues of blues and purples as they fade into the distance.

The whole sky takes on the deepest shade from the original band of color.

The whole sky takes on the deepest shade from the original band of color, and lower clouds take on the same color as the distant hills.

And then it begins to fade to pastels.

And then it begins to fade to pastels.

Sunsets here can last for an hour, or they can be quick flashes of changing colors lasting only a few minutes like the one last night.  I don’t think we’ll ever get tired of watching them.

Speaking of watching things, we now bring you the Bunny Channel.

Mishkin is intently sending thought waves at the bunny, "You don't see the kitty behind the glass, just waves of grass waving in front of you... come closer...."  It didn't work but it was a good try.

Mishkin is intently sending thought waves at the bunny, "You don't see the kitty behind the glass, just waves of grass waving in front of you... come closer...." It didn't work but it was a good try.

I asked the bunny what he thought of Mishkin, and I got a nose wiggle and whiskers flew around his face.  Then he hopped off the porch and went about his business.  We had a major convention of these little guys outside our window last night, judging by the noise level.  They were even growling at each other, a very odd noise indeed, and some drumming was also going on.

No Responses to “Diary of a Sunset”

  1. Scooby says:

    What? A study of sunsets? Yikes! Methinks someone has much too much time on their hands! Hahahaha. Very nice, and very pretty stuff.

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