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Finally started making the cushions for the window seat. It’s been occupying dreams for a while, and I have a plan, so now I get to see if the plan works.

Plan A

First I cut the foam into three pieces and I started working on the largest piece first. Smaller piece would have been easier to work with, but I love a challenge.

I laid out the fabric and cut the piece which will go on the bottom of the window seat cushion. Securing the piece of fabric to the foam meant it won’t wander around and I didn’t need to do any fancy measuring.

Then I pinned the hemline. This was lots of little pins.

Mish is wondering what that pile of blue stuff is sitting in his window seat. Plus wondering what I’m doing but that’s not important. The blue stuff, now that was important.

Back to the project.

All the pins are in place.

I decided to hand sew the hem, rather than using a sewing machine. Why? Well, it seamed (seemed) like a good idea at the time. 😀

The hand sewing ready to commence.
First end sewed and turned the corner, down the long side.

I left the T-pins in place and removed the small pins as I went along, sewing around a 1/4 inch wide hem all the way around. A couple of hours later I was done.

Next step was to lay the foam on top of a larger piece of the cushion fabric and fold up the sides and ends, and work on the corners to get them to lay flat.

The bottom piece which was hemmed previously was laid on top of project to see how it looked, what problems had occurred during the initial construction. T-pins keep everything in place as I went.

First problem identified, the fabric wasn’t really properly centered. Sigh.

Unpinned everything again, and re-centered it, and pinned it up again, and decided on a different method for dealing with the corners. I haven’t done any more cutting because I may have use a different method altogether if I can make the corners lay flat on the bottom of the cushion.

Laid it in the window seat to see how it looks.

And obviously the fabric isn’t a taut as it should be, so more re-pinning is going to be required.

We also got the new rug for the room, which I’ve been waiting for the last couple of months.

The room is looking lived-in, aka messy.
Mishkin really likes this new rug. He spends quite a bit of time in the room now, laying around and claiming it as his own.

So my hare brained idea for the window seat seems to be working out ok, so far. I’m on Plan C now because I haven’t figured out how to deal with the excess of fabric at the corners. Will only get concerned when I get to Plan 9.

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