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Picked another batch of strawberries today, most of which were destined for freezing. One batch will be dessert tonight. And I solved a problem of having run out of chocolate covered strawberries (again). This is an on-going problem.

Washed and dried off, ready for processing.

I had set aside six of the largest for their highest and best use.

Freshly covered with chocolate, and into the refrigerator to get hardened up. They’ll be ready to eat tomorrow. Yummmm.

Finished a knitting project earlier this week, yet another bead knitted purselet.

I called this one Raspberry Pi and tried to make a Pi symbol out of beads.

If you squint just right you might be able to tell but chances are high it’s too artistic an interpretation. I had some pretty Garnet beads in a rectangle shape and some little round ones, plus larger Hematite beads just for extra bling with the Chrystal beads. These are so much fun to make.

We also got to eat some of the very first Black Raspberries (also called Black Caps) from our plants. Those will be producing a lot of fruit very soon and they make amazing jam.

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