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New project under way.

The garage project has begun, and on Wednesday the concrete will be poured. A whole lot of work has gone into getting the form created and ready for concrete.

Lots of boards and rebar and heavy plastic for under the concrete.

They used a laser level to get everything nice and flat. Very exciting seeing it at this point in its existence.

Once the concrete is cured, they will remove the boards and back-fill around the exterior of the foundation, and start building walls. The curing period is 10 days to 2 weeks.

We also got the new roofing installed!

It’s a pretty dark grey that changes how it appears depending on the light conditions.

Also we finally got the Starlink satellite dish up on the side of the roof so it is no longer sitting out in the yard. This seems like a big accomplishment! We couldn’t get that done until the roof was completed. Remodeling is like this. You want to accomplish (A) but have to do (B) and (C) and oh-we-forgot about (D) first.

While the work outside was going on, I made cornmeal, peach and cinnamon, and blueberry and cinnamon muffins.

I had plans on doing a bunch of other baking but I ran out of flour. Clever. Also known as good planning. Oh well, more flour will be delivered late in the week (hurray for Amazon!) and then I’ll be able to make the rest of the things I have on my list.

House smells good! And we have internet. 🙂

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