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First project is done.

Well, almost done. Still have a lot of little projects like staining and varnishing the top of the window seat, and making a cushion. Fortunately neither is time sensitive.

This is all the furniture we’re going to be adding to the room, and it all fits!

At some point there will be a rug but probably a month away from that. The ingredients for the cushion on the window seat are sitting on the sewing machine and under the loom.

Looking the other direction.

Also went up the road to take a picture from the upper corner of our property to see how visible the new addition is. Not very.

You can see the window on the addition, but that’s about it. It’s more apparent from the road before we turn into our driveway.

Tomorrow the next project begins, building a garage and attached storage area. They are bringing heavy equipment and will make a disaster area out of our existing driveway. In about three weeks, all things remaining equal, they will be done.

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