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New Year Snowfall.

We are getting a real winter this year. We just had over a week of low temperatures below zero and high temperatures in the single digits. Last night it started warming up and it was a balmy 25F this morning when we got up to see a good six inches of snow had fallen.

Our little bird friends are awfully glad there is roof over their seeds!

Our little bird friends are awfully glad there is roof over their seeds!

This year we have chickadees, juncos, and finches. Last year we had a Pine Siskin invasion and no juncos hardly at all. Plus we have our turkey crowd who wait below the feeder for the generosity of their tiny brethren in dropping seeds where they can get to them.

Somewhere are four raised beds along the back fence. They are completely invisible right now.

Somewhere are four raised beds along the back fence. They are completely invisible right now.

The snow piles up on the top bars of the fencing, and then as soon as it warms up or the wind blows, it all goes poof.

There are no mountains to the east. Since we can't see them, they don't exist, right?

There are no mountains to the east. Since we can’t see them, they don’t exist, right?

The Starlink satellite dish has internal heating so it stays nice and clear, though it does grow icycles.

The Starlink satellite dish has internal heating so it stays nice and clear, though it does grow icicles.

The trees along the creek are holding a lot of snow on their branches.

The trees along the creek are holding a lot of snow on their branches.

And it is snowing again quite vigorously. We may see another few inches today before all said and done. There are a few more days of snow predicted this week. I guess we’ll wait to get the driveway plowed again. It’s a good thing we drive an Outback!

The sun came out this afternoon, and our driveway is plowed.

It's like magic! The mountains came back.

It’s like magic! The mountains came back.


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