Feed on


Had a cow moose and her calf visit today. Cool!

They were right across the fence, heading towards the river or down to the creek to browse on brush.

They were right across the fence, heading towards the river or down to the creek to browse on brush.

Baby has a bunch of snow on his/her forehead. Cute! Pretty deep snow but it’s going to get deeper. The weather forecast is for six inches to a foot of snow starting tonight. I guess we need to move some more pellets to the porch as it might be a few days before we can dig our way out.

We heard from a friend that people on our road further up the hill saw three feet out of this last storm. Yikes! I am sure this new storm forecast is not exactly what they wanted to hear.

One Response to “Visitor.”

  1. T Malazdrewicz says:

    OM Gosh, this is so adorable! But please (from G) Keep the snow west:)

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