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What is the cat thinking?

I probably spend way too much time pretending the cat is thinking about something.

His ears say it all.

His ears say it all. When they are pointing backwards, he’s not pleased.

So, “We are not pleased.” is an obvious thing he could be thinking. “What is that ##$%^?” is another thing he could be thinking. Dan says using the word “thinking” when it comes to The Cat is probably not particularly accurate.

It snowed again, a nice fat two inches which may be here a while. And to think three days ago it was 50F!!!

700 rows completed!

700 rows completed! This light I’m hanging it from sure affects the color of the yarn which is actually a really beautiful teal blue.

The shawl is now longer than I am tall.  Okay…. Granted, this is not as huge an accomplishment as it might be. But still, can’t argue that it is longer!!!

Piled up on the computer keyboard in front of the pattern I'm following.

Piled up on the computer keyboard in front of the pattern I’m following.

I have started on the 9th and final ball of yarn. I stuffed the entire project into a freezer bag and weighed it on a scale and including the plastic bag and the knitting needles the project comes in at 8.7 ounces or slightly under 247 grams. This is slightly more than a cup of water. Amazing.

It will take me a few more days of knitting to finish the body of the shawl and then I start the cast off on the top border. Each stitch cast off (185 of them) takes between 30 to 38 stitches to accomplish.


One Response to “What is the cat thinking?”

  1. Cassandra says:

    Love the picture of Thinking Feline

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