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New siding.

Our contractor friend came this morning to begin the project of replacing all the original wood siding which had been improperly installed and was unpainted and had no finish at all to protect it from warping or weathering.  Like Dan says whenever we started doing a project like this, “It’s never too late to build it correctly.”

He pulled off boards on one section of the house and discovered two of the residents we knew were living under the siding, and that we didn’t want living under the siding.

The second of two bats that we found.

The first time we saw this bat, he was sitting on the end of a pry bar with his mouth wide open, looking perturbed.  Such sharp little teeth he had!  Jack put him into a bush and we were standing on the front porch talking about the work to be done when this little guy returned and landed briefly on my shoulder before heading back to his former home on the side of the house, which is now missing all the lovely (from a bat point of view) wood siding just perfect for keeping him snug as a bug.

Sorry about that batty buddy!  But you and your bee and wasp friends are going to have to go elsewhere.

Shivering, and looking for a hidey hole. Poor little thing. We do feel sorry for them, but not sorry enough to stop working on fixing the house problem.

So we ordered a bat house, which should be here on Friday, and we’ll put it up somewhere and give them a proper place to call home.  This one, his friend who is in another bush, and the multitudes of other bats that are no doubt under the siding which hasn’t be removed as of yet, will fit right into the bat house, and can cuddle up and stay warm this coming winter.

Never too late to do it right.  Just keep saying that….

One Response to “New siding.”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Omg. Bats carry germs. And you are going to get them a house. Thats nice I guess.. You two are kind people. Well they are putting up all the shutters today and are hoping that all can be finished today. Hopefully are we are suppose to be getting some days of rain. Will email you a finished picture when all is done. Keep me posted as your new siding is put up.

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