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The Belfry

The new bat house arrived on Friday and I’ve decided to name it “The Belfry.”  I was gonna name it the “Bat Hilton” or “Bat Regency” but didn’t want to be hassled about copy right infringement.  Besides, this way if somebody tell us we have bats in our belfry, we can just say, “Why, yes we do.”

I have to go find some fancy lettering at the DIY store to add the name to the exterior of the box, on the board below the bat insignia.

It’s very nice, made of cedar with some spaces for ventilation and nylon wire mesh for little bats to clean their claws on before climbing inside.

Three floors to choose from, but no elevators. There will be a concierge bat to make sure everybody is comfy.

The instructions say to hang it 12 feet off the ground, facing south east, and none of our buildings have that orientation, so we’re going to hang it south west instead, on the back of the garage up near the peak of the room.  We also need to find some screws with which to fasten it to the wall.

While I was taking bat house pictures, Mish was following me around, yelling at me and trying to get me to play with him. He finally resorted to playing with his scratching post instead.

While Mish was doing that, Terry was sitting on the arm of the chair, showing off her wings.

She’s at least as good as flirting as the cat is, but less likely to trip me!

Dan picked jalapeno peppers and then sliced them into rings.

We got about 20 peppers.  Dan just pulled the four eight-ounce jars out of the hot water bath and they are now cooling on the counter.  Another first, I haven’t tried making pickled jalapeno rings before.

The last of the sweet basil ready to be pureed and frozen.


One Response to “The Belfry”

  1. laura kidd says:

    The bat house is very interesting. Why 3 floors and how many bats can live there?
    The peppers sure look good. I can not eat very hot foods any more. Reflex not worth it. You must have a grocery store in your basement with all that you can and freeze.
    How is the siding going? Know you will love it. I sure like me house. Even tho it cost so much more than a paint job it is worth it. Know it will pay off when some day the house is sold. Either by me or all the family.

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