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Recent Snowfall

Waves of clouds sweeping across from the west have been delivering snows.  This time of year it’s always so hard to remember what green looks like.

Shoveled paths to and from the bird feeders. We have a constant riot of birds in the yard at all times.

Yesterday we had clear skies and bright sunshine, sharply defined shadows from the trees and buildings.  It was just a gorgeous day outside.

Fog banks crawl along the mountain ridges and peaks.

Pine tree right in front of our sun room windows holds so much snow in the long needles, it provides perfect cover for the flock of chickadees to hammer on their prized sunflower seeds. The birds snatch a seed and fly to a tree, hold the seed between their feet, and start hammering on it with their beak. They look industrious and very happy.

Even though it isn't above freezing, the sun has strength to melt the snow off the solar panel array. It goes quickly, and the cleared panels produce their maximum capacity on days like this. A free ride for our power needs. This always makes us smile.

Even on a glorious late-mid winter day like this, we’re thinking about spring.  Gardening is upper most in our thoughts these days, and seed catalogs are very entertaining reading.

Tracks in the snow around the garden fence on the outside, but no tracks inside. Looks like the bunny fence was successful.

Every day we look down at the garden and see the snow pillows on the raised beds, bird bath, and chairs in the arbor.  Nary a speck of bare ground to be seen.


Nope, snow hasn't melted yet.... Under those snow capped beds and along the edges, fruit plants are dreaming of sunshine and honey bees.


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