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Waiting for snow to melt is about as exciting as waiting for aspen leaves to turn gold.  When it happens, THAT’S exciting.  But getting there is tedious.  This explains the lack of posts recently.  Doing nothing new isn’t very interesting to read about.

So… gradually the snows melted, and everything looks brown, grass, hillsides, trees, bushes, deer, but not rabbits.  They’re still white and oh so visible.  A few first spring flowers are up, Buttercups and Spring Beauties.  But overall it’s still early days and still brown.

Several days ago four grape plants we ordered, to replace four that died when munched by rabbits a couple of winters ago, arrived in the mail and we planted them, since the instructions said we could do so immediately.  And we’ve been enjoying watching the still white rabbits running around in the yard, chasing each other and munching on the short green grass that is starting to grow under the brown remnants of grass from last fall.  We have also been enjoying sitting in the grape arbor in the garden, looking at buds on the plants, and planning what to do with the garden later this month and early next month.

Buds are appearing on all the plants, and fattening up ready to pop into spring green.  Cherry trees have lots of flowers planned for this year, and even the apple tree looks like we might see some blossoms.   The world is poised for color.  And the hummingbirds should be here next week.

Overnight Mother Nature had a bit of a surprise in store for us.

Yes, we woke up this morning to a world transformed into winter once again.  A good fat four inches of heavy wet snow blankets everything.  The white Snowshoe Hares are now invisible once again.  I hope the hummingbirds saw this weather heading their direction, like a freight train, and are hanging back to the south.  This sort of weather is deadly for those little guys.

The storm has blown out of here, mostly, and to the west the lighter sky promises some sunshine. But, as I write this it is snowing quite a bit.

And we have plans today to do some chores, buy gasoline for the generator, haul some trash possibly.  You know, exciting stuff like that.

Somewhere under the snow are a lot of buds on the Service Berry bush next to the house.

Of course, with this sort of weather there’s only one thing to do first thing this morning.  Make banana pancakes on the cookstove.

Yesterday this small Daphne bush had purple flowers covering the stems. The flowers are still there, and still purple, but couldn't really prove it by this picture.

I hope the Daffodil blossoms have a sense of humor. They were showing signs of opening up in the next day or two. There they are, bending down into the snow.

This same weather pattern is forecast into the middle of next week.  Patience is a virtue, but really, we’re so ready for spring.


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