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New project

Apparently we need our heads examined as here it is December and we’re starting a remodeling project.

Replacing the shower with new tile on the floor and walls.

Replacing the shower with new tile on the floor and walls.

Yesterday was the dust and destruction part of the process.  Our poor cat just can’t understand why it is we keep allowing people into the house who immediately begin to tear things apart and make loud, rude noises.  He does his level best to keep them out and protect the place from intruders but then we won’t let him shred them apart with his claws that he keeps nice and sharp.  It’s all just a mystery.

I told Mish that ‘man’ was coming back today, and got a patented cat look that said, “You’re talking to me but I don’t know what you said so it must not be important.”

Cold here today.  -6F so far seems to be the lowest temperature.  Might warm up to a balmy +4F.  Great weather for remodeling!

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