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Day three.

The cool part, and leak proofing part, is a membrane which is applied to the entire interior of the shower, and is in overlapping pieces like roofing tiles so that water is directed to the drain even if it were to get underneath the tiles themselves.

The mortar needs to dry out before the next layer can go on.

The mortar needs to dry out before the next layer can go on.


The cubby hole in the wall also needs to have two more pieces of concrete board installed to get to the proper depth for the tiles. It will be a little shallower than before but the shampoo containers will fit nicely and it will look better with minimal grout lines.

The cubby hole in the wall also needs to have two more pieces of concrete board installed to get to the proper depth for the tiles. It will be a little shallower than before but the shampoo containers will fit nicely and it will look better with minimal grout lines.

The mortar is all dry this morning, so the next layer can go on without further delay.  Yay!  A shower is sounding really good right about now.  Really really good.

Somehow missed seeing this moonset picture yesterday on the camera, of the moon sitting on top of Mount Baldy.

Somehow missed seeing this moon set picture yesterday on the camera, of the moon sitting on top of Mount Baldy.  It disappeared moments later.

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