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Peachy Keen

So many peaches, it was hard to decide exactly what to do with them.

Sitting on the counter-top, calling my name.

Sitting on the counter-top, calling my name.

So first I opened one of my gluten free yellow cake mixes, and substituted the liquid ingredients for two whole peeled and diced peaches, then baked it until it was completely baked, about 20 minutes longer than the recipe said due to the extra moisture provided by the ripe peaches.

I could dust this with powdered sugar, I suppose, but the naked cake is completely delicious all on it's lonesome.

I could dust this with powdered sugar, I suppose, but the naked cake is completely delicious all on it’s lonesome.

While the cake was baking, I peeled and pitted the rest of the peaches and put them into a large pan. Then I used my immersion blender and pureed the peaches, added four cups of sugar, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, and lemon juice. And now I’ll reduce it by half, and the result will be Peach Butter. So delicious!

I need to get some jars boiling on the stove, but there's plenty of time while this is cooking down.

I need to get some jars boiling on the stove, but there’s plenty of time while this is cooking down.

Stir frequently to release the steam from the simmering peach puree, and the side benefit is the way the house smells while it’s cooking.

Doing her trick, "Wings!"

Doing her trick, “Wings!”

Our baby bird, who is going to be 30 years old next year, was busy making toothpicks out of a new toy. Doesn’t she look exceptionally pleased with herself?

Qiviut/silk yarn.  This is just an incredibly soft wonderful yarn to work with.  I'm not in a hurry to get finished.  I'm going to enjoy the process as much as the final product, I think.

Qiviut/silk yarn. This is just an incredibly soft wonderful yarn to work with. I’m not in a hurry to get finished. I’m going to enjoy the process as much as the final product, I think.

I started my knitting project and haven’t gotten very far on it, still working on knitting the bottom lace border, I’ve managed to get half way done with 17 of the 34 pattern repeats. Too much other things going on, but as Dan says, I won’t be able to say I’m bored for the next year.

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