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Peek-a-boo, I see you.

Strolling up the hill in front of our house, following the deer trail, and his nose.

Strolling up the hill in front of our house, following the deer trail, and his nose.

Second black bear we’ve seen in as many days. This one is the smaller of the two, a good 200 pounds, he’s very rolly-polly. The one we saw yesterday was a large bear, and we had an earthquake at the same time we saw the bear, so there was much excitement around the house at that moment. Pretty sure he wasn’t so big that he was causing the earthquake….

I didn’t go outside of the sunroom this morning to take pictures as I didn’t want to scare him away before Dan could get to the BB gun, and send him on his way up the hill at a high rate of speed. So the pictures are a bit fuzzy. He came up the hill right next to the post where we hang the bird feeders in the late fall, after the bears have all gone sleepy-bye.

Mosey mosey mosey. Don't worry, JW....

Mosey mosey mosey. Don’t worry, JW….

Pretty animals. It's always kind of fun to see one when the macaw does NOT see them. She makes a huge amount of noise.

Pretty animals. It’s always kind of fun to see one when the macaw does NOT see them. She makes a huge amount of noise.

Mishkin was being oblivious this morning, and missed seeing his natural prey. He always growls at bears, "I can take 'em."

Mishkin was being oblivious this morning, and missed seeing his natural prey. He always growls at bears, “I can take ’em.”

"Ruh-row." Bear hears the sound of the BB gun being pumped up, and scampered away as fast as those little feet could move.

“Ruh-row.” Bear hears the sound of the BB gun being pumped up, and scampered away as fast as those little feet could move.

They are kind of cute, even if they are a bit of a pest at times.

The blackberry jam turned out absolutely delicious! Can’t hardly wait for more berries to get ripe. When Dan was a kid, Mom used to make a blackberry cake.  He can’t remember if it was his dad or brother that always lobbied for a blackberry cake. That sounds utterly delicious. Might have to give that a try with the next batch of fruit we pick.

Looks like we are going to get our Indian Summer after all.  Woo hoo!!  That means the tomatoes in the greenhouse ARE going to get ripe.

One Response to “Peek-a-boo, I see you.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Well that was exciting. Aren’t you afraid that they will try and get in your house. I am sure they are eating your fruit unless its in your greenhouse. Yes I think fall maybe coming soon. Sitting here this morning drinking coffee and saw yellow leaves one by one falling to the ground. Love fall just not ready for the white stuff.

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