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Colors of Gardening

This is the fun time of year for gardening! All the colors of fruits and vegetables are just beautiful.


The star of the harvest today is definitely the blackberries!!! We’ve tried to grow blackberries for six years and this is the first time we’ve gotten any fruit off of the vines. This is just the first harvest. Depending on how much time the weather gods give us, we may have more blackberries for me to play with later this month. Today I have enough to make jam, and so that’s on the top of the list, bumping the pluots and peaches into second place.

We picked beets, slicing cucumbers, Yukon Gold potatoes, yellow wax beans, a few swiss chard leaves, three varieties of peppers (mild and hot), and some Roma tomatoes.

The peppers, tomatoes, a Walla Walla onion I picked the other day, and the swiss chard stems and leaves are destined to be lunch today. I’m making a tofu scramble, which features a lot of vegetables.

While we were in the garden harvesting things we also each ate a handful of raspberries that the wasps hadn’t gotten to yet, and picked a couple of carrots.  The carrots were almost as sweet as the raspberries.

It is just so much fun having a garden, even if it is a lot of work. Our wire cages have worked a treat – the pack rats have been foiled!!! Yippee!!!

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