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The Supervisor Is In

Sometimes Mishkin looks so innocent and peaceful.

See? He looks innocent here, not doing a thing but watching me working on the computer.

Not only is he innocent looking, but he’s fast.  What you didn’t see was a little gray paw sneaking out and knocking my computer mouse on the floor.  His theory, apparently, was that if I didn’t have a mouse handy, then I wasn’t working, and I could pay attention to him.

It’s a good theory.  I picked up the mouse, and he went back to looking innocent.

2 Responses to “The Supervisor Is In”

  1. Kerry says:

    So, not only does Mishkin have the best seat in the house, he also has you trained to pick up the mouse every time he knocks it to the floor. Can’t you just see him chuckling to himself? Hahahahahahahaha.

  2. Kerry says:

    Do the French doors ever get closed?

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