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Ghost Trees

Ten days to the Autumnal Equinox, fall weather feels like it has already arrived.  It has been rainy and foggy all day.  Tomorrow we are supposed to have warmer and drier weather, a good forecast since we intend to paint the exterior of the sunroom tomorrow and Tuesday.  Yesterday we spent hours sealing the edges of the siding with many tubes of silicone.

Trees on the hilldside across from us are indistinct, shrouded in mist. The fog ebbs and flows around the hillside, and trees emerge, only to disappear again.

Local Red Squirrels are actively harvesting cones from conifers.  One such squirrel made what it considered a tragic tactical error; he dropped his large prize cone on the deck next to the sunroom door.  And then, the unthinkable happened.

Mishkin hopped onto the windowsill on the window next to the sunroom door.  And cat and squirrel were eye-to-eye across the cone.  The squirrel yelled at the cat; the cat chirped at the squirrel.  The squirrel ducked down on the step below the deck and peeked up over the edge of the deck.  OMG the cat was still there!  More yelling and more chirping.  This situation went on for quite some time, noisily, until the squirrel got brave enough to snatch his cone from the jaws of defeat.  He scamped down the sidewalk, tail and cone held high.

Quiet resumed.  Once again, Mishkin had lost face with one of the local rodent populous.

We were amused.

I spent the day editing the first eight chapters of my book, and uploading the edited version of chapter 1.  My revisions and rewrites are through chapter 3.  But who knows, I may re-write again tomorrow.   I’m somewhat entertained.  We are considering re-activating our own domain website and if so, I’ll post any additional chapters there, along with some pictures of my watercolors and pencil drawings that have been requested be posted.

One Response to “Ghost Trees”

  1. Kerry says:

    Reactivate the website? Dan’ll have to relearn HTML or whatever it is these days!! Haha.

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