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Mouse Rodeo

Friday morning, Mishkin had a mouse cornered in the exercise room.  It had managed to get hidden in the elliptical walker out of reach, and so poor kitty had a long day of hanging out with Oro and Opal, and keeping close to the exercise equipment.  He even took his cat naps up there with the parrots, which is not very restful when they decide to start yelling as they are known to do.  He would come out of the room and meow at us, “Make them stop!!”

Finally, mid afternoon he called it quits and came out to take a much longer cat nap in Dan’s computer chair which he co-opted for that purpose.

Evening rolls around, and he staggers out of the chair, stretches, and heads up the exercise/bird room, to see what was what.

And returns with a mouse in his mouth, tail held high, and looking very pleased with himself.  Time for play!

He trotted into the sunroom and dropped his little playmate – let the chase commence!

Dan grabbed his leather gloves and went into the sunroom and shut the doors. I got a camera.

Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Mish and Dan circled around the furniture, alternating taking turns flushing the mouse from hiding, and then Mish would gleefully get in front of Dan and interfere with potential capture.

Tail in the air, Mishkin was having a wonderful time. Dan... not so much. Mish is staring straight at the mouse and waiting for Dan to flush it out into the open.

In the center of the chair is the lively and uncooperative mouse. Mish could fit his little paws and face into this space, but he much preferred Dan do the heavy lifting.

I was enjoying the documentary aspects of the chase, and Terry thought it was funny as well.  She kept chuckling.  Dan was of the opinion I should stop taking pictures and come be useful.  Where’s the fun in that?

Once again eluding capture. Can you spot the mouse?

Ah ha! This mouse looked like a shifty character indeed, caught in the act of resisting arrest.

At this point I put the camera away and got my own leather gloves and went to help the boys.  With two of us humans in the room, we successfully flushed the mouse from hiding, and so Dan succeeded in the capture of the mouse.  And Mish missed that whole capture thing.  I picked him up and told him what a clever and good cat he was for having caught the mouse, while Dan tossed it out the door.

Fortunately for us, he hasn’t figured out that we won’t toss the live ones across the floor so it can be caught again, or he may stop sharing the chase with us.  To him, live or stuff toy mice, it’s all the same.

One Response to “Mouse Rodeo”

  1. Kerry says:

    Poor, poor Mishkin!!!

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