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We tried a new veggie burger called Amy’s Bistro Burger, which is both gluten free and dairy free.  AND it is the best veggie burger I’ve ever tried!  I toasted some of the gluten free Sesame Seed Bean Bread I’ve been making, and the taste combination of the toasted bread and veggie burger was amazing.  I’m just such a happy camper today!!!  What a find!!!

No Responses to “Shameless Product Endorsement”

  1. Scooby says:

    If it is from Amy’s, it is usually great! This confirms that! I have been buying a lot of Amy’s products over the past several months–haven’t found anything I don’t like. Also, the calories are very reasonable for the amount of food.

  2. Scooby says:

    Why is the time of my post one hour before I posted it? Yes, I am that good!

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