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Nice Sunset

Clouds moved in night before last and sealed in the heat from the day, which made for restless sleep.  It rained off and on all day yesterday, short brief showers which were enough to drop the high temperature over twenty degrees from one day to the next.  It felt wonderful!

Late in the day the clouds dissolved and we were treated to a very pretty sunset that lasted virtually no time at all.

My favorite sort of sunset is like this where the clouds are underlit by the sun and intensely bright.

My favorite sort of sunset is like this where the clouds are underlit by the sun and intensely bright.

On the Packrat eradication front, we have gone two days in a row now without catching one.  There are two possibilities:  We have cleaned out the neighborhood; or they have gotten smarter.  We are optimistically hoping for the first possibility.

The bunnies are thick today around the house.  In the flower bed next to the house one full grown bunny who is showing very white feet was harvesting grass and leaves from the Serviceberry bushes.

Blissfully munching away, these little critters are living in a salad bowl full of yummy things to eat....

Blissfully munching away, these little critters are living in a salad bowl full of yummy things to eat....

... completely unaware of the deadly predator lurking less than five feet away.

... completely unaware of the deadly predator lurking less than five feet away.

He’s been very entertained today as a direct result of the multitudes of bunnies frolicking in the grass.

Today we have lots of Bermuda Bowl to watch on vugraph, and clear skies will charge the batteries enabling me to do a bunch of baking.  It is shaping up to be a very nice day indeed, though it is going to be a lot warmer today than yesterday.  Summer is definitely winding to a close and the hot weather, if it comes, is brief.

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