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Hamburger Buns

A new experiment using my gluten free baking cookbook – hamburger buns and we will have them tomorrow for dinner after we get home from the dentist office.  We will need something good to compensate for having been at the dentist all afternoon. and the long drive both ways.  This is a new dentist, and hopefully will be an improvement on our last encounter with that species.

These buns are the proper size for our veggie hamburgers, and are supposed to stay soft and fresh for a few days.

These buns are the proper size for our veggie hamburgers, and are supposed to stay soft and fresh for a few days.

The calories for this bread aren’t bad either, the equivalent of two pieces of the bread I’ve been making.  It will be a slightly different taste which is a good thing.  Variety!

We have had a black bear hanging around the past couple of days.  Terry doesn’t approve and she is very loud with her opinion!  Mishkin still hasn’t seen a bear; he leaves the downstairs and heads for higher ground.  He was being such a nut this morning, playing chase the cat with Dan, and growling at several deer that were hanging around the front of the house.  They don’t pay any attention to him at all and what is worse is neither do the chipmunks.

There is a lot of smoke in the air right now from fires to the southwest of us.  It will be so nice when fall rains return to extinguish the fires and clean up the air.

We are thinking about getting some of our projects underway again.  No rest for the wicked, or weary.  It will mean more pictures though, so it must be worth something.

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