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Monthly Archive for July, 2009

Playing with mud

Finally getting around to putting grout on the tile floor in the basement.  Good, clean fun. Tomorrow we’ll move the washer and dryer again, and lay the rest of the tiles.  Next weekend I’ll repeat this messy grout process, and then we can start the rest of the finish work in the room.  It’s getting […]

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Cat Wrestling

First a sunset.  Last night we had rock and roll thunderstorms.  One bolt hit just uphill from the house, around a second between the flash and the kaboom.  Mishkin leaped off the couch and ran to the sliding glass doors to look outside.  We’ve never seen a cat that wasn’t afraid of thunder and lightning, […]

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It took the whole five gallon bucket of floor adhesive for the first half of the floor, due mainly to the extremely rough and uneven concrete surface the tile is being laid on, but the first four boxes of tile are now residing in their permanent home. This was a first for me.  I’ve laid […]

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Diary of a Sunset

I’ve decided to do a study of sunsets.  They are such short lived things and frequently beautiful from this location. Sunsets here can last for an hour, or they can be quick flashes of changing colors lasting only a few minutes like the one last night.  I don’t think we’ll ever get tired of watching […]

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New project underway

It all started as a hard water problem.   We had the local well driller company do a test on our well water to see exactly how hard it is.  The scale is this:  Water in the 0-10 range is considered soft water; ours is 65.  This explains a lot.  Water this hard  can damage washing […]

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