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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'


We used to make our own yogurt, years ago. Somehow we got out of the habit.

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Knitting is finished and off the needles; all yarn ends have been woven in where they belong. All that’s left now is blocking which is a whole other project. Maybe tomorrow I’ll tackle that. This was the most complicated pattern I’ve ever made but in actuality one of the easiest to follow on the chart […]

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Snowing????? Snowing!!!!

Winter storm predicted for today which is just absurd for October. Then we saw a pickup truck drive past our place, from up the road, all covered with snow. Shortly thereafter this happened. See? Didn’t stick down here. Right up the hill from us the trees are white and what we can see of the […]

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600 Rows

Just twenty-four left to knit, and then the top border which is the equivalent of another 39 rows, stitch count-wise.

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Fall harvest.

We picked a bunch of things from the garden today. We already roasted some earlier, so these are the remaining beets and I’ll make pickled beets out of them this week. A couple of the beets are huge! The slender carrots are called sugar snax and they are very sweet. I think I’ll slice them […]

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500 Rows

The end is starting to be in sight. I’ve finished the center panel and now working on the inner border that surrounds the center panel. Mishkin is amazed, apparently.

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Row 400

We had to do some other re-arranging to make it fit, but it worked. Yay! Going to do some baking this afternoon.

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Row 300

I finished row 300 several days ago and have made a lot of progress since then. So, it looks like it won’t take quite as long to finish this project as I thought. It might even be done before the snow starts! Fall is definitely here and the weather completely changed with very cool temperatures […]

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Almost the Equinox.

The weather has turned the corner into cooler temperatures and possible rain, with snow in the higher altitudes. It snowed overnight in the Cascades, so it’s just a matter of time before it smucks us. But in the meantime, a favorite time of year is here! We picked some strawberries, a good double handful of […]

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“Pogo” has a lot of answer for in terms of warping our brains. The world famous knit model is hard at work, as usual. Both are still really spotted but almost as big as their mom. One of the babies decided to have a little siesta in some tallish grass by the garden, but his […]

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