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Row 300

I finished row 300 several days ago and have made a lot of progress since then. So, it looks like it won’t take quite as long to finish this project as I thought. It might even be done before the snow starts!

Fall is definitely here and the weather completely changed with very cool temperatures and lots of rain in the immediate forecast. The high mountains are getting snow but not around here yet. That may change overnight if it gets as cool in the lower elevations as predicted and it is still raining. Yesterday we saw some Larch trees beginning to turn high up on the mountainsides. It’s so beautiful when that happens to all the Larch trees and the Aspen groves join in.

My pattern is really easy to follow on the computer.

It took longer to get the pattern set up on the computer than it is going to take to knit the shawl. Going through the pattern this first time I’m finding and fixing errors I made in making the pattern. Who knows, by the time I finish this first shawl I may have fixed all the problems.

The ball of yarn is getting smaller, always a sign of progress.

It’s an amazingly fun pattern to knit.

The world-famous knitting model is staring out the window, looking at nothing.

Nothing to see is his most favorite view. No pesky deer or turkeys invading his world is always preferred.

“What do you mean, I need to model something? It’s time for my nap.”
“If this gets damaged it is so not my fault.”

He does look a little bemused by it all. No knitting was harmed and Mishkin went back to napping shortly after I took the picture.

The Ash tree in full fall colors. It’s even starting to lose some of its leaves.

The first real strong wind storm will take all the leaves off the branches.

This morning a Flicker was hanging out on the bottom of the Ash for a while.

Today has been a birdie morning here. In addition to the Flicker we just had a flock of adults and juvenile Western Bluebirds, Yellow-rump Warblers, a Junco, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a Downy Woodpecker all in the plum tree. The bluebirds, Junco, kinglet and warblers are all on their way south. It is very colorful.

Banana coconut cream pie.

I made this yesterday as the grocery store had some really pretty bananas. It isn’t going to last very long.

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