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Fall harvest.

We picked a bunch of things from the garden today.


We already roasted some earlier, so these are the remaining beets and I’ll make pickled beets out of them this week. A couple of the beets are huge!

Carrots, two varieties.

The slender carrots are called sugar snax and they are very sweet. I think I’ll slice them up and steam them and then freeze them in small batches to be added to tofu scrambles. The larger carrots are nantes and they are delicious roasted with potatoes.

The last zuchinni. It would be nice if we liked it better as it grows like crazy here.
The last strawberries!

I’m making a cake and we can eat these for dessert this evening with cake and whipped cream. Dessert? I think it will just be dinner instead.

That is all the harvesting. There were some neat colors in the garden.

Asparagus fronds.

If the amount of fronds we have are any indication, next spring we should have more asparagus than we know what to do with.

Blueberry plant.

Our two blueberry plants are still so tiny. It may be quite a few years before we see much of any production from them.

Black Raspberry.

These plants did really well this year for what is basically the first year they actually grew. Next year we should be able to freeze some and make jam. I love this color on their leaves and it’s so interesting how dark purple their canes are.


This gooseberry plant has fall colors which look like the ripe fruit does.

Peach tree.

Probably going to be a couple of years before we get any fruit from the peach tree, but it’s so amazing that the fall colors of the leaves is a peach color.

Bear fence?

Somebody or something tried to climb the fence! And they had to be pretty strong to have bent the top of the wire this much. We are assuming a bear. The fencing near the ground also has some bending so they were pretty heavy, which lead us to think this was a black bear. They didn’t actually get into the garden. If the corn had grown properly I bet they would have tried harder. Probably black bears are any fonder of zuchinni than we are!

So that’s the end of gardening for the year. Next year will be better.

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