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The contractors are done with their part. We have lots of our own little finishing project things to do like repainting areas in the new room where there are scuff marks on the wall made when they installed the flooring; finishing the wood inside and out in the window seat; painting the wall where the window was removed in the kitchen and around the door frame where the exterior door was removed and a smaller interior door was installed; and varnishing the interior door. But, except for all that stuff, it’s done!

This is the window on the west side of the room in relation to the window seat.
Window seat and the inset pull for opening the seat to access the storage area.

I can’t really believe what a nice space it is for sitting! We bought some four inch thick foam, and fabric, with which to make several cushions for this space, one to sit on and two smaller cushions to lean against. The windowsill is the perfect height and width for a cup of tea. This is going to be a favorite spot to read and do embroidery on the window seat cushions. The sound of the creek is a very nice and soothing sound when the window is open.

Lots of cleaning and some sanding and fill work on the handle area to do before I can varnish it. Need to get some stain which means a trip to the store.

I thought about lining the box with aromatic eastern red cedar tongue and grove boards but for now just going to varnish and stain it instead. This is where we can store the pillows and bedding for the couch bed.

Windows and door looking to the east. We’ll put our antique wood table against the wall under the windows.
We moved some furniture into the new space. This couch doubles as a queen size bed when folded out.

There are three more bookshelves to move from our bedroom into this new living space. Two will sit on each side of the room, across from each other. The 8-harness table loom will sit at the east end of the room next to the treadle sewing machine. And I’ll set the other two spinning wheels on the other side of the window seat. It will be awesome to be able to use these things without having to re-arrange a bunch of other things in order to do so.

Having space to move things out of our living room meant we could re-arrange things in this room as well.

You can see the exterior wall through the window above the chair. Dan still needs to re-install the exterior light next to the door. Add that to the list!

Will get around to hanging more pictures once the painting is all done. We have ordered two rugs , one for the new room and one to replace the rug in the living room, which will not be delivered until sometime in mid July at the earliest.

Mishkin spent a lot of the evening wandering around the house wondering “Why??” Cats spend a lot of their lives wondering that exact same question but only when they’re awake. He did find his toys which are still under the chair where I put them. He is apparently happy with that because he pulled a lot of them out overnight, to play with them.

Our new room feels like a part of the house, already. We opened the two windows in the new room, and the windows in our living room yesterday evening. The cross ventilation is excellent! We’re going to really enjoy that in the summer evenings when the cool air flows down the mountain, following the creek.

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