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Make zoodles out of them!!

Never tried this before, so another experiment from the garden produce.

I have a mandoline slicer which can make little matchstick widths out of larger materials. A bit of research and a helpful link from my friend Antara, and lunch was soon to be served!

I match-sticked a whole zucchini, while my usual marinara sauce was cooking, then I sauteed the zucchini noodles in a little of olive oil which had been infused with some garlic and red pepper flakes, for four minutes.

Put some zoodles in a bowl, add some sauce and a tiny sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese.

Yumm. The verdict was “Well, if you have to grow zucchini I guess this is a good use for them.” Ringing endorsement. 😀

Also making bread today. First a batch of whole wheat bread out of the bread machine. Have to say the smells from a combination of lunch cooking along with baking bread was heady, to say the least.

Whole wheat bread is done baking and cooling on the counter.

Next, start a batch of gluten free bread.

First clean the baking pan from the bread machine thoroughly to make sure all the gluten from the whole wheat flour is out of picture.

Ingredients for the gluten free bread all lined up on the counter in the order I will use them.

Really it almost takes longer to get the ingredients together than it does to toss them into the baking pan from the bread machine.

Ready for action! A scale to weigh ingredients, the baking pan, and the bread machine waiting patiently on the side of the countertop.

Toss everything in the baking pan, in the order specified by the recipe. Then plug the machine in and press Start. In another two and half hours we’ll have another loaf of bread, plus more good smells from baking.

It’s very hot outside. Yesterday it hit 100F in the evening and stayed there for a couple of hours. Today is more of the same, and tomorrow, too, then it will cool off. The plants will be glad of the break from these high temperatures and so will the humans and various birds and mammals. It’s a good day to stay inside and do inside stuff, like cooking, reading, listening to music, playing on the computers.

Boring. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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