Feed on


Yesterday a doe showed up with her day old fawn. She parked him in wildflowers next to the garden and wandered off to do some serious munching. We didn’t see her go back to pick him up but apparently she did because she was back today, baby in toe.

So tiny! Smaller than Mishkin. He’s walking a bit better today, not quite so wobbly on his tiny little legs.

The pair was outside the window that Mish uses for keeping an eye out on the world, watching for interlopers which he always hopes never to see. So we told him there were deer to watch.

Speaking of babies….

“But mom, those things eat cats!! I don’t want to look. It’s scary!!”

Yesterday we also had a batch of Red Crossbill babies in the bird bath, splish splashing around and having a very good time.

And no post is complete without strawberries. Dan picked some yesterday and I froze part of them, and made these with the rest.

Chocolate covered strawberries are highly addictive.

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