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Non-strawberry Harvest.

We had our first non-strawberries harvest today. Three things. Peas, pie cherries, and red currants.

Peas in pods and red currants.

Yes, I put the red currants into a tiny bowl so it looks like a bigger harvest. There really aren’t enough of these berries to do anything with, so I’ll have to come up with something creative.

The peas are in their pods and this is just a tiny fraction of the peas that weren’t ready for harvesting.

All removed from their pods, ready for cooking this evening for dinner

We also had three, count ’em, three pie cherries which we promptly ate. Maybe next year we’ll have enough to make a small pie! There are a few red raspberries, a few black currants, a few Gooseberries and a few Josta Berries which are close to being ripe. There are quite a few black raspberries and I’ll be able to make something with them whenever they are ripe, another couple of weeks probably.

The tomato plants have set three tomatoes so far which are about marble size, one on one plant and two on another. There are a couple of peppers which have set as well. And the zucchini plant is making a zucchini. It will get carried away with itself soon. Lettuce is growing and so is the Swiss Chard. Potatoes are growing really tall, so the past couple of days we’ve added dirt around the plants to encourage more potatoes to grow. And the onions look great. Corn plants are getting tall but no sign of flowers yet. And there are two baby cucumbers.

We’ve been eating strawberries every couple of days since they first got ripe. Strawberry heaven! Next year will be much better harvest for the strawberry plants.

In the meantime mainly what we’re doing is pulling weeds out of the bark mulch surrounding the fruit plants and raised beds, plus taking them out of the raised beds. Many many wheelbarrows of weeds have gone out recently. It’s starting to look very tidy if we don’t look too closely.

So… yay! Gardening is such fun. Especially the eating part.

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