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Where did November go?

The last two months have gone by so fast, and not that much happened around here. I think it’s because winter showed up on November 4th and unlike other years when we got an early snowfall, this one didn’t melt yet.

The first major snowfall was on November 4th and brought us about six inches of snow.

Ok, so that’s not so bad. We can handle six inches of snow with our eyes closed. (Best way to watch weather you don’t want to see is with your eyes closed).

November 8th sunrise.
Pink snow from the reflected sunrise. It’s so fleeting.

Then it snowed again, another six inches to go with the snowfall that hadn’t melted the previous few days. Hmmmm. The weather might be trying to tell us something.

All the deer and turkey tracks make the snow look a little messy.

On November 9th we had a good foot of snow on the ground. Since then we’ve had at least another twelve inches of snow, but not at once. So we’ve only had to have the driveway plowed twice so far this winter. Our Outback doesn’t mind a foot of snow but any more than that and some of their nanny devices start yelling at us, saying we’re going to hit something solid which in this case is only a bazillion snowflakes all piled up.

Deer and her fawn under the bird feeders. It was snowing this day quite vigorously and we got several inches of snow out of the clouds.

The doe has figured out that if she stands up really tall she can stick her nose into the feeder and scoop up the seeds with her tongue. Her baby watches very intently when she does this; she’s definitely teaching him bad tricks but he’s not tall enough yet. The doe with twins hasn’t figured out this trick yet. Yay!

So since we’re seeing so much snow and cold weather the past couple of months, mainly we’ve been entertaining ourselves inside the house. I’ve been knitting; Dan has been arguing with his various computers and has decided to get a new laptop because arguing with inanimate objects never works well.

And we bought ourselves a present, a bread maker. Gotta love Amazon.com!!

We have made two loaves of bread so far, one whole wheat loaf which didn’t end up being 100% whole wheat after all, and a gluten free loaf which is the best bread of that description that I’ve ever had.

It’s so easy to use this thing. Quite enamored of it!

You’re supposed to wait until the bread cools completely before slicing it. Yeah, as if.

So this is a fun toy.

This week we had a really spectacular sunrise which lasted just a few moments.

We don’t see that many sunsets because mountains and trees block our view to the west, but sunrises we do see. Winter seems to give us the best sunrises, maybe because we are awake to see them as the sun rises pretty late in the morning.

Two blocked shawls.

Yesterday I blocked the blue shawl I made earlier this year, before the white one actually. I’m not sure why I didn’t block this earlier; I was just in knitting mode apparently.

Second shawl being blocked today.

I was standing on a step ladder, my usual mode of getting up in the air. See the bread machine is in its new home on the counter. Tomorrow I will be able to unpin this and I can move on to new projects. Itsy bitsy knitting projects, and drawing/painting, are the things I have on my mind. Dan cleaned off the kitchen table yesterday so I have a place to draw.

What do you mean, I’m sitting in your spot?

Mishkin is going to be 15 years old in a few months. Doesn’t he look like a regal senior citizen kitty? He is now sacked out in our bed, snuggled under the down comforter. We won’t see him again for hours.

We did have some excitement last week on Saturday morning when we woke up to a frozen water pipe in the crawl space, but it wasn’t broken after all and we did find somebody to come thaw it out and be ready to replace it should it have been broken. That was a stressful several days.

Almost the Winter Solstice! Below zero temperatures are predicted.

One Response to “Where did November go?”

  1. Cassandra Gross says:

    Love the posts and the pictures of your front yard are gorgeous. Made me envious and want to sit there with a cup of coffee and “just be” this morning. I can’t believe Mish is almost 15 years old! It seems like yesterday that you got him. I am hungry from seeing your bread and baking pictures…yum!

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