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It *is* still 2023, right?

This year is going to go by so very fast, I can already tell. I’m just hoping I didn’t miss an entire year!

We are thinking about gardening and looking at seed catalogs online. We’re going to limit the varieties of things to plant this year, and just plant things we tend to use the most. It’s a good theory anyway. We’ll get to start planting some things as soon as the snow is gone and the ground can be worked. And the hummingbirds will be back in around two and a half months from now. Wow! Hard to fathom when it’s all white outside with nary a flower to be seen.

It’s been pretty cold and snowy and foggy. Lots and lots of fog the past couple of weeks.

Can’t even see the back layer of trees, much less the mountains.
The world feels smaller somehow. We can’t see beyond the borders of our property.

We had an unexpected visitor at the very end of December, a local public utilities employee stopped by to discuss power to the property to the east that we can see in the above picture. Seemed that the land was for sale and some people were interested in purchasing it and were doing some of their due diligence in finding out availability of power before opting to purchase the land.

So we purchased the property ourselves, instead, and we can keep our view to the edge of our world when it’s foggy, and beyond when it’s not.

We will get to keep our mountain view and the wild critters around here will get to enjoy the property to their hearts content. The wild turkeys have well established tracks through the deep snow, coming to and leaving the bird feeders in front of our house. There for a while they could walk on top of the snow easily but when it warmed up and got foggy, the snow got soggy and slogging was hard work. It’s melted a lot and they are not having any difficulties now getting around.

Kind of exciting to think we have 14.4 acres to run around on now. We still have to wait until the snow is melted before we can go exploring.

Rye bread from the bread machine.

Also we made a loaf of gluten free raisin and cinnamon bread. It was delicious and is almost gone. We will need to make another loaf of that soon, with more cinnamon in it this time.

A gluten free chocolate cake with orange zest and juice added to the cake mix and frosting, both. Orange and chocolate are a match made in heaven.

The cake was good and is long gone. It was something I made near the end of December.

Apple pie I made yesterday.

The pie won’t last long either. Gluten free pie crust is a pain but we finally found a good flour (GFJules) and a recipe that doesn’t result is too much cussing when I’m making it.

Just a funny pose. Mish falls asleep and he ends up with his face planted in the corner of his bed. What a strange little guy he is.

So, in short, nothing happened during the month of January. Most likely this trend will continue until the snow melts. I will go make some sweet rolls since the kitchen is clean again.

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