Feed on

Harvesting and knitting.

There’s not much going on around here except watering the garden and lawn (such as it is), pulling weeds, harvesting things as they get ripe, and knitting as much as my shoulder will allow.

Lots of birds are using the bird bath this year, and also a doe with a single fawn comes by for a drink.

Unfortunately the yellow jackets also love the bird bath and in the afternoon they keep everybody out of it. We are going to pick up some yellow jacket traps to set up out there and see if we can knock the numbers down. They make walking around near that part of the yard a bit adventurous.

Speaking of birds, the hummingbirds are gathering and getting ready to migrate south. Last night we had around a dozen birds at both our hummingbird feeders who were having a riot. Some were tanking up and others were having aerial dog fights around the feeders and the house. It was so much fun! A lot of the wild flowers are done doing their thing so our feeders are very popular.

300 rows of knitting.
Detail showing the center medallion.
“But why can’t I play with your knitting? You’re playing with it. You should share.”

Now I just have to do what I already knitted again as a mirror image. The fabric doesn’t seem to weigh anything at all. I’m very excited to see how it looks all blocked. But at the rate I can knit it’s going to take much longer than I had hoped. And it will take even longer if Mish gets his little paws on it.

The last of the peas were harvested.
First batch of green beans picked. This will be lunch today.
Grasshoppers have stripped the potato plants of their leaves.

So this morning Dan looked to see what harvesting he could do on one of the yellow potato plants. They would have done better if we’d hilled the plants; we’ll know for next year. We might also want to use a mesh plant cover of some sort to keep the grasshoppers off the plants.

This year was all about seeing how the soil is, what we need to do to improve it and what plant varieties like to grow.

The zucchini is doing great. The butternut squash has yet to bloom so we’re not going to get anything off those plants. Both melon plants have a blossom but nothing has set so doubtful we’ll see any melons. Cucumber plants are blooming and there’s one baby cucumber growing.

The tomatoes and peppers are doing really well though nothing is ripe enough to pick. And we’re enjoying lettuce.

Some plants just obviously need to be started earlier as seeds and then set out in the garden as plants. Next year. 🙂

One Response to “Harvesting and knitting.”

  1. Gilles ST Hilaire says:

    Awesome garden Karen, lucky you have all that space to grow wonderful veggies. Enjoy…

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