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End of August

Summer is coming to an end and the ‘ber’ months are almost here. Fall is the best time of year! We have seen the last heat wave over 100+ temperatures for the year (hopefully).

400 rows have been completed.

The more I work on this project the more I love it. This was earlier in the month. I’ve made much more progress.

500 rows are done!

And in the middle of the blankie which is under the shawl is a cat who was hiding from a contractor fixing the new roof we had done last fall. It was leaking due to faulty installation and now it should be all ok. Yay!

Plus this new contractor may be able to fit in enclosing part of the back deck to make a new room. And at the same time he’d create a sidewalk off the front porch. He is checking his schedule and will get back to us. We’ll see. That would be cool if it happens this fall. I guess we have recovered from the trauma of contractors underfoot all last year! It would give us a place for a pantry cabinet, and a chest freezer, and a work bench, plus Oro’s cage so when he decides to go mental and yell a lot we can simply close the door and cut the sound down to a dull roar. We thought about putting a chest freezer on the back deck but I kept imaging our black bear friend who likes to visit in the middle of the night enjoying that too much. A room would be better.

September (next week!!) we’re going to start painting the interior of the house and replacing the wood trim around the floor and doorways, but that’s just us and no contractors inside the house. That’s much easier to deal with.

Morning vegetables.

We went out to the garden in the morning and picked peppers, an onion and some swiss chard leaves for breakfast. It’s like shopping.

Tofu scramble.

Then I cooked the fresh vegetables and added some finely chopped extra firm tofu and melted Chao cheese on top of the mixture and made breakfast. It’s amazing how much better really fresh vegetables taste.

The garden is starting to produce stuff and soon it will get ahead of us.

Potato harvest.

The potato plants got hit hard by grasshoppers so a lot of the potatoes are pretty small. But there are enough of them for many meals. They are drying off now and tomorrow I’ll brush them off and clean them up and put them in the fridge.

Carrots for roasting tomorrow.

We picked a few carrots to see what they tasted like and they are really delicious! I’ll be roasting some, along with some potatoes, in the immediate future.

Two plump zucchini and one cucumber and two peppers.

I’ll put most of this into a lasagna. There are so many peppers on the plants, it’s really surprising. Our greenhouse never gave us this amount of production, and we think it’s because it got too hot. There are some tomatoes which are starting to turn color and once that happens we will have so many tomatoes to deal with.

Lemon and blueberry coffee cake.

I made this last night, so really first we need to eat that before I get carried away with a bunch more cooking. We had some for breakfast this morning. It’s totally delicious.

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