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Today we went up to the eagle tree so I could take a picture of our house in the woods, and see the fall colors starting. So some pictures of things in or on other things.

A picture of our house in the mountains and trees.

We call the tree the eagle tree because Bald Eagles like to hang out in it.

We call the tree the eagle tree because Bald Eagles like to hang out in it.

The larch trees are starting to turn and there are spots of gold in the woods.

A picture of my knitting on my computer.

My new knitting project is off to a good start.

My new knitting project is off to a good start.

I have completed the bottom border (the boring part) and picked up all the stitches to form the bottom row of the shawl. Now it’s just a matter of following the pattern I have charted as an Excel spreadsheet on my computer until all the rows are done.

A picture of a cat in a tunnel.

Mishkin seems to like the little tunnel in his new scratching post.

Mishkin seems to like the little tunnel in his new scratching post. I told him he’s pretty invisible if he closes his eyes. He gave me a patented blank look in response to that tidbit of information.

Amazingly enough he fits inside of the little tunnel. We haven’t seen him actually use his new scratching post for scratching; no doubt continue to use the rug as his go-to feet sharpening apparatus. He even does take little cat naps on the top padded bed when the sunshine is in the right location in the morning.

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