We are cow-proofed – yay!
This is kind of exciting. We didn’t think we’d have any sort of a garden this year. But surprisingly we have a fence!!
Of course, we need to remove all the grass and weeds from inside the garden fence, and a bunch of rocks, and buy seeds and some compost. Then we can plant something. And this will show us whether or not we need to plan on raised beds next year.
The plan is to buy some seeds and compost this weekend, and start digging up things we don’t want in the garden next week. Next spring we will plant fruit trees and bushes.
It’s like magic. One day there were holes in the ground. The next day we had poles growing out of said holes.
The next day the guys removed the temporary bracing, covered the cured cement with the dirt they had removed from the holes the day before, and started adding permanent bracing to the corners of the garden fence.
It is starting to look very official. The next day they finished hanging all the fencing.
The next day was all finishing details, and building a garden gate.
This is by far the best garden fence we have ever had. And we have lots of places to hang nest boxes for chickadees, wrens, bluebirds and swallows. It should be a popular bird destination next spring.
The lumber and other materials for a stairway down to the creek was also delivered today.
The propane tank is going to be set this next week, and a plumbing company is going to be installing all the piping. Since the vent for the on-demand water heater needs to go through the roof, that means the roof replacement on that section of the roof also needs to take place, so we have ordered the roofing, and siding materials. Those will be delivered next week as well. I think this will guarantee many days of heavy rain next week.
It’s going to be a lot of activity around here for a while.
The garage project is on hold as materials cost way too much, and concrete delivery for pouring a slab and footers was highly unlikely to happen with shortages in the materials used to make concrete. So we will wait and just take care of all the other smaller projects.