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Spinning project

Found the pieces that I needed for my Ashford spinning wheel, and fiber to spin. And I did a bit of maintenance on my spinning wheel as it’s been a while since I’ve done any spinning, and we’ve moved a couple of times. Things needed to be tightened up.

This is the fiber I want to make into yarn for a lace shawl.

50/50 cashmere/silk

50/50 cashmere/silk. The silk makes it very shiny, and cashmere and silk are the traditional fibers used in the lace shawls I like to knit.

I am converting the roving which is fairly hefty to a smaller diameter roving, making it much easier to spin a super light weight lace yarn.

This is a brass diz with three holes in the middle. I'm using the smallest diameter to create my pencil roving.

This is a brass diz with three holes in the middle. I’m using the smallest diameter to create my pencil roving.

This shows difference between the original roving and the reduced diameter roving I'll use for spinning.

This shows difference between the original roving and the reduced diameter roving I’ll use for spinning.

A fluffy pile of organized fibers.

A fluffy pile of organized fibers.

Empty bobbin ready to be filled up with yarn.

Empty bobbin ready to be filled up with yarn.

This is a silk two-ply yarn I'll combine with my hand-spun single.

This is a silk two-ply yarn I’ll combine with my hand-spun single.

Since I want the two yarns to be a similar diameter, I have taped this piece of commercial yarn to my spinning wheel to use as a guide. I’ll compare the yarn I’m creating to make sure it stays the same diameter as the silk yarn.

My helper who watched intently as I started playing with fibers.

My helper who watched intently as I started playing with fibers.

Scooting closer on the couch, hoping I didn't notice.

Scooting closer on the couch, hoping I didn’t notice.

"oops, she noticed."

“Oops, she noticed.”

"Puleeeze can't I help?"

“Puhleeeze can’t I help? Just a little?”

At which point I covered him with a blankie. Out of sight, out of my project.


One Response to “Spinning project”

  1. Cassandra Ellsworth-Gross says:

    Did it work? LOL. Cute pictures.

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