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Still snowing.

Normally this area gets four inches of snow a year.  Total.  And that’s probably five days’ worth when it is actually snowing enough to stick on the ground.

The front door deck had been shoveled and was mostly melted off on Friday morning (yesterday) when it started snowing.

The front door deck had been shoveled and was mostly melted off on Friday morning (yesterday) when it started snowing.

Two feet of new snow.  And it is still snowing and supposed to keep snowing today, tomorrow, and Monday.  Good thing we went grocery shopping on Thursday afternoon!!

One of our intrepid Anna's Hummingbirds. These little guys are so tough!!

One of our intrepid Anna’s Hummingbirds. These little guys are so tough!!

Yesterday afternoon when I went out to brush snow off the feeder so the hummers could get a drink, I had two of them flying around and through my fingers while I was doing that, until the tough one (shown above) decided to chase the other one off from “his” flowers.  They weren’t the least bit concerned about what I was doing.

I need to take some seeds out to the seed feeders today for the Juncos, Varied Thrush, Towhee, and Purple Finch.  I’m going to need to use our snowshoes.  Good thing I brought them with us from Curlew.  I was planning on just using them as a wall hanging.  Not actually having to USE THEM!

One Response to “Still snowing.”

  1. Cassandra Ellsworth-Gross says:

    The front door picture leaves me in awe. I don’t think I ever saw snow like that when I lived out on the Peninsula.

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