Feed on

We decided shoveling a path to the bird feeders was better than trying to tromp around on snowshoes.

Oh look!  I found a stair!

Oh look! I found a stair!

Oh look!  I found green grass!!

Oh look! I found green grass!!

I was standing in well over two feet of snow at that point.

Oh look!  I'm getting really poohed.  For something so light and fluffy, this white stuff is heavy.

Oh look! I’m getting really poohed. For something so light and fluffy, this white stuff is heavy.

Finally I reached my goal and shoveled some areas around the feeders, but not all the way to the grass.  I left a good foot of snow on the ground so that when the birds were feeding they wouldn’t be down in a hole and could keep an eye out for predators.  We had Cooper’s Hawk here yesterday and Juncos are excellent snack food for those guys

Happy birds taking full advantage of the bounty.

Happy birds taking full advantage of the bounty.

Since we put out the seeds, we’ve had Juncos, Rufous-sided Towhee, Varied Thrush, Flicker, Downy Woodpecker.  The new seeds will get buried but that won’t bother the birds; they’ll simply dig them out.

And we even put some seeds on the porch by the sliding glass door so our cat has a full day of watching the Bird Channel on Kitty-TV.

Best of all, the snowshoes have maintained their primary use of being a wall hanging (someday whenever I get around to doing that with them.

2 Responses to “Sanity prevailed. Or… Still snowing, take 2.”

  1. Cassandra Ellsworth-Gross says:

    Love the pictures and as for the snow, WOW, just WOW.

  2. Laura Kidd says:

    Good Morning My email is broken and I don’t how to fix it I thought last night I would contact you this way I hope it works. I am fine. Hope you are too. love you me

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