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Normally when the weather forecast calls for ‘x’ amount of snow, we get less than predicted. And we were actually hoping that pattern would hold true for the current weather forecast. Alas. And not a lack of snow!

The prediction was for a foot of snow this week.  Since our driveway is barely navigable as it is, we were hoping all the snow would go south of us.  No such luck.

Dan when it was barely light outside, walking on the crusty ice, in the new snow, using a broom to steady himself.

Dan when it was barely light outside, walking on the crusty ice, in the new snow, using a broom to steady himself.  Look how far down the broom goes before it hits the ground!  He’s standing on two feet of snow and the snow from last night is what he’s wading through.

We had no internet this morning, and needed to brush the heavy wet snow off the dish.  Mish was standing next to me in the sunroom, looking out the windows and watching Dan wade through the snow.  Mish thought it looked wrong and he was growling at Dan, which made the parrots upset because the cat was upset.  Much excitement was had by all.

Nine inches of snow on the sidewalk which needs to be shoveled.

Nine inches of snow on the sidewalk which needs to be shoveled.

The heavy wet snow mostly slid off the greenhouse roof, and the snow on the sides of the building now reaches the roof.

The heavy wet snow mostly slid off the greenhouse roof, and the snow on the sides of the building now reaches the roof.  You can just barely see the pallets of wood pellets next to the garage.  There is so much snow in and around, and on top of them.

And it is still snowing.

And it is still snowing.

We are supposed to get another few inches today.

Dan says this is all my fault because I’ve always wanted to get snowed in.

I think I’ve achieved that ambition.  This is definitely the most snow we’ve been in since we lived up the North Fork in Montana, and got four feet of snow in 2 days.

News flash.  It's snowing again.

News flash. It’s snowing again.

This could give us another 8 or 9 inches of snow, at this rate.

This could give us another 8 or 9 inches of snow, at this rate.

Ye gads.

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