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Spring IS coming, right???

Since last Saturday we’ve had a foot of new snow fall, and temperatures in way below zero range. The lowest we saw was -16F and then it warmed up to -14F. That gave us hope.

The week before we could actually see some bare sidewalk peaking out, and the snow was starting to settle and look soft.

The week before we could actually see some bare sidewalk peaking out, and the snow was starting to settle and look soft.

But then our friend called us to say, "Guess what I saw?!"

But then our friend called us to say, “Guess what I saw?!”

A bluebird!!  Well, bluebirds are one of the earliest spring migrants, so even though we still had well over a foot of snow in our yard, we totally bought that they saw a bluebird.  And we got all excited to think spring was really on the way!

It wasn’t true.

Mother nature was not amused by jokes about bluebirds.  This is all Jack’s fault.

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