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Knitting projects

Slowly but surely making progress on my tiny knitting projects collection.

A tiny Santa Mouse holding a bell; a red bell with a silver bell inside; and a snowperson :)

A tiny Santa Mouse holding a bell; a red bell with a silver bell inside; and a snowperson 🙂

I didn’t have a pattern for the bell or snowman so I just made them up as I went along.  Next a Fairy Mouse.

Does he look rowdy?

Does Mish look rowdy?

That would be because he is talking to me and trying to get me to engage in a little cat-scapades.  He and Dan had just been playing and Mish always wants to rumble with me after he plays with Dan, to make sure that I’m #3 on the pecking order around here.

So I bombed him with his lion 🙂

One Response to “Knitting projects”

  1. Jacki says:

    OMG, Mish is the spttin’ image of Poppy. Including the teeth. Personally, I’m happy the squirrel got away but that’s probably because I live in Dallas and I don’t have a garden that squirrels can destroy. Otherwise, as in your case, I would be rooting for the cat. But, seriously, even though it’s a bob cat, it’s a beautiful beast.
    Not as beautiful as Mishkin but black cats are always the most gorgeous. Right?

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