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It started snowing last night as we went to sleep, and this morning we woke up to a good four inches of snow, and more falling.

And to think just yesterday I was remarking on how much it looked like fall with the golden grass and leaves all off the trees.

And to think just yesterday I was remarking on how much it looked like fall with the golden grass and leaves all off the trees.

2 Responses to “What a difference a day makes.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    GOOD MORNING. I saw on the weather the other day it looked like you were going to get snow and you did. Looks so pretty. Maybe we may get a few inches tonight. Very gloomy day the fog just rolled in. 32. Wish I had someone to share cinnamon rolls with. If I did make them I would have to eat them all. Ha
    You have been busy making more things for your tree? That would be neat. So cute.
    Not much going on here. Take care Love me

  2. Laura Kidd says:

    Well you did get snow. None here. Yesterday it was 82 and today 45. Weird place. But we need moisture.

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