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Good and Bad

The good part of this time of year is the fruit harvest from the garden.

This is all the rodents left us this year.  We need to do something more drastic with protecting the fruit plants next year.  Dang nab it.

This is all the chipmunks and ground squirrels left us this year. We need to do something more drastic with protecting the fruit plants next year. Dang nab it.  Grumble grumble.

I’ve frozen all of this to deal with later this winter.  Gooseberries, pie cherries, josta berries, red and black raspberries.  There are apples left on both trees at the moment.  Pretty sure the chipmunks won’t bother them, but they were like a ravening horde this year, so not counting on it.

The bad news is fires.

Try as I might, I couldn't get the camera to take a picture of the blood red sun as it set a couple of days ago.

Try as I might, I couldn’t get the camera to take a picture of the blood red sun as it set a couple of days ago.

The sun produces so much light that even filtered through the thick layer of smoke which blankets the mountains, it still showed as yellow in the camera lens.  This picture was a couple of nights ago.  Last night the smoke was so thick we never even saw the sun go down!!

So unless things change and improve a lot, we’re going to miss the solar eclipse.  We’ll know it’s happening because it will get dark but we won’t see a thing.

We might get thunderstorms tonight; sure hope not but we can’t see if there are actual clouds on the horizon, and we certainly won’t know if there is lightning unless it’s on top of our heads.  The fire danger is way on the wrong end of the scale for thunderstorms.

Dan mentioned today that in a month we’re going to be worrying about overnight frosts.  Wow.  That’s kind of hard to fathom.


One Response to “Good and Bad”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi, Just got on and so sorry the little animals did you in. I do not know how to keep them out except small fencing. I have rabbits in my back yard and they are eating my plants. Found one rabbit sitting in the planter, I yelled at it and it ran and haven’t seen it back in that one planter. I put 2 other ones on tables. Couldn’t figure out why it looked like it was dying and then saw one on it hind legs eating away. Thats when I put it on the table. I know they are hungry but.

    So you are still having fires there. We have been getting rain in Colorado so they are out. So scary. Yes Dan it will be getting the white stuff way to soon. It was 55 here this morning. Just wearing socks and long sleeves until next week when it will warm up.

    I am ok. Hope you two are also. Love me

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