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Fruit is ripening

Despite losing badly this year in the rodent wars, the fruit plants are starting to produce ripe fruit.  This morning when we went down to harvest fruit, we discovered that the ground squirrels had demolished the cucumber plants.  Boo!  So all we have left are onions and potatoes.  Hopefully they’ll leave those alone but not really holding out much hope at this point.

Black raspberries, red raspberries, cherries, and gooseberries picked this morning.

Black raspberries, red raspberries, cherries, and gooseberries picked this morning.

Mishkin says he just happened be laying there in the sunlight, next to the bowls of fruit, and he was there all the time.  If there was ever an innocent looking cat, this is one.

One Response to “Fruit is ripening”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Good Morning Just got on. Been wondering how your crops were doing I have been wondering why this one plant in a pot looked bad and when I look out the kitchen window a rabbit was having breakfast. I have rabbits everywhere. they are everywhere and I have no idea how to chase them off. Sorry you lost cucumbers. We are finally getting rain. Been real hot here. Hope you are both fine. Love me

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