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Happy Summer Solstice

Tonight the sun will have traveled as far north along the western horizon as it’s going to, and will start moving back to the south again.  The Summer is beginning here with warm temperatures in the forecast for next week.  We really need to put the shade on our greenhouse soon.  Maybe tomorrow.

We’ve been seeing this fawn since June 11 2017 when he was just a few hours. The first time we saw him, he could barely walk, tottering along behind his mom on tiny unsteady legs, and he was no taller than the joints in her legs.  Mishkin was fascinated by the tiny fawn and just stared at him intently.  I’m sure Mish had bad intentions in mind, but the fawn was completely safe as far as the cat was concerned.  Poor kitty 🙂

Amazing how fast the fawns grow. This one is particularly cute since we've been seeing him so often.

Amazing how fast fawns grow. This little guy seems particularly cute since we’ve been seeing him so often.  He really likes being on the lawn because he can run really fast and bounce in the air.

Now at 10 days old, he’s about doubled in size. So his cuteness quotient is also doubled 🙂

Yesterday they were coming up towards the house from the garden, traveling along the wide path Dan has made to the garden, so walking on all short grass.

The doe was grazing her way up slowly, nibbling on this, that, or the other plant, and the fawn was running laps around her. He would zoom past her at full speed and get about 15 feet away. Then he would come to a screeching halt, look around at everything, turn around zoom past her again at full speed and get 15 feet away and stop! Repeat!! He made at least ten trips while we were watching. His mom would glance back whenever he was behind her, on the downhill garden side, to make sure he was staying within the boundaries she’d set. Good baby. He never got further away than 15 feet in any one direction. It was just so fun to watch. Pretty soon, she’ll simply park him by our house and he’ll run laps around the house. Every year we’ve been here we’ve had that happen with fawns. It’s just a hoot.

She sniffs the air carefully, and he just looks around at things. See how tall the grass is behind them? Down by the garden it's a lot taller than that. Reminds me of the grass in India where tigers like to prowl.

She sniffs the air carefully, and he just looks around at things. See how tall the grass is behind them? Down by the garden it’s a lot taller than that. Reminds me of the grass in India where tigers like to prowl.

Today he was still sticking close to mom and at one point she decided he needed a bath, so she licked his face and ears all over until she was satisfied. He was making faces but putting up with it.

Cuteness factor off the charts.

Cuteness factor off the charts.

As a reward she let him choose the direction and when he left her side and started walking she just calmly followed after.

He is still small enough he can run under her without ducking. And she's used to that already.

He is still small enough he can run under her without ducking. And she’s used to that already.

He wanted to go downhill, towards the solar panels. Lots of brush for his mom to eat, so that was totally fine with her.

Here he is starting to head down the hill. He still won't go farther than 15 feet from her side. It will not be long at all, and that invisible leash will get a lot longer as he gains confidence.

Here he is starting to head down the hill. He still won’t go farther than 15 feet from her side. It will not be long at all, and that invisible leash will get a lot longer as he gains confidence.

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