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Must be summer.

We went for a walk this morning to try to beat the heat of the day, and can smell smoke in the air from a forest fire, one a long way from us. There was a stiff wind out of the north, bringing the smell to us. So, it must be summer. We were getting rather fond of all the clear skies. Oh well.

Another sign of summer is sunsets with this particular shade of clouds.  Probably influenced by smoke in the air, now that I think of it in those terms.

Another sign of summer is sunsets with this particular shade of clouds. Probably influenced by smoke in the air, now that I think of it in those terms.

Really pretty clouds.  The sun is slowly inching south across the western horizon, as far as where it sets.

Really pretty clouds. The sun is slowly inching south across the western horizon, as far as where it sets.

I looked at the blog from last year to get an idea as to when we might start seeing fruit harvests from the garden – middle of July I wrote that I was drowning in fruit.  Oh-oh.  I’m hoping it is a bit later than that as I’m really not ready.

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