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Firewood Take 2

It’s really true what they say about firewood. It keeps you warm when you are cutting, stacking, splitting, or hauling it around, in any combination. Last week we got to experience everything except the cutting down trees part. And we were warm despite having low temperatures ranging from 3F to a balmy 10F this morning.

All cleaned up, and the pile of loose bark has a couple of tarps keeping it dry over the winter so we can burn it next spring while there's still snow on the ground.

It took us all week to get the wood put away.  That stuff is heavy!  And some of the pieces were really big, hard to hang onto.  We bought a couple of new splitting mauls with fiberglass handles, and hopefully they will be tough enough not to break right away, unlike the wood handled axes.

The woodshed holds about 8 cords of firewood, stacked as high as Dan can reach for the most part. Which means I can't reach a lot of this.

A small amount of the firewood is stacked in front of two sections of the woodshed and we’re working on splitting and using that first.

Friday we’re supposed to see our first serious snowfall, lasting all weekend, and then next week it will be several more days of snow.  Winter is arriving.

One Response to “Firewood Take 2”

  1. Trish says:

    This doesn’t look like much of a vacation 🙂 but holy buncha wood, batman!

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