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What does four cords of firewood look like, besides a lot of work?

This is about half and half, Douglas Fir and Larch.

The Larch is the best for mid winter, holding a fire overnight, and producing the most amount of heat.  The fir is prettier to burn, very frisky and lots of snap, crackle, and pop.  It sounds really cheerful.  And produces almost the same heat as the larch.  Plus it makes better kindling to get fires started.

We spent a couple of hours making a path between the garage and the pile of firewood.

That way we can move split firewood from the woodshed to the rack on the porch off the sun room.  We’ll spend an hour or two a day splitting and stacking the firewood until the shed is completely full, and cover the rest of the wood that won’t fit under a tarp.

We've been using the wood in the shed for the last couple of months, so there are lots of new holes to fill in.

The woodshed holds eight cords of firewood, roughly, and we just had five cords delivered (one cord is in the carport up the driveway).  We also have a couple of cords of firewood up the hill from the thinning we had done this summer.   We are now definitely ready for winter, which is coming our way on Tuesday, courtesy of that big storm that just hit Alaska.

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